
Natural Fertility

ALIVE Holistic Health

ALIVE Holistic Health Clinic offers individualized fertility treatments and is dedicated to helping you conceive and maintain good health throughout pregnancy.

At ALIVE, our goals are:

  • Reduce stress and enhance relaxation
  • Regulate hormone levels throughout your menstrual cycle to create
  • better quality eggs (includes coming off of oral contraceptives)
  • Improve ovarian blood flow to encourage healthy egg production
  • Increase blood flow to the uterus to improve uterine lining
  • Lessen side effects from hormonal treatment in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (A.R.T.)
  • Treat pre-existing conditions including fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, and PCOS
  • Address mental and emotional concerns surrounding fertility
  • Prepare your body for pregnancy by detoxifying organs
  • Treat and prevent men’s health concerns

Many women and couples in Toronto visit natural fertility doctors when they have tried repeatedly to conceive a baby without success. Perhaps you have suffered a miscarriage on two or more occasions, or are considering IVF or IUI and want to improve success rates with these treatments. At Alive Holistic Health Clinic our natural fertility practitioners blend acupuncture, naturopathic and Chinese herbal medicine, massage therapy and other services to enhance fertility and improve overall health and well-being.

There are many things that may affect fertility including lifestyle, age, stress, environmental factors and diseases or conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and irregular menstrual cycles. In some cases the problem may lie with the male rather than the female. When you work with an infertility practitioner on our team you can rest assured you will be given customized care designed specifically for your unique situation.

A Natural Approach to Fertility

Every fertility specialist who practices naturopathic or holistic medicine understands the correlation between a healthy body and mind and a healthy reproductive environment. Modern Western medicine tends to treat symptoms, while holistic medicine is focused on finding and treating the underlying cause of disease and health issues. Essentially, our goal is to provide treatments and therapy that empower your fertility and allow you to take control over your own health, so that you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

In some cases the cause of infertility cannot be diagnosed. Even when you have taken medications and explored all options possible with traditional Western medicine, it does not mean you will never be able to conceive. Our natural fertility practitioners view the body as a whole rather than various organs and systems; diseases and medical issues that seem completely unrelated to fertility can impact your ability to become pregnant.

Those in Toronto, Canada who desire nothing more than to have a healthy baby are invited to contact Alive Holistic Health Clinic today at 416-591-1535 to learn more about our services and how we can help you realize your dream.

Want more Fertility and Pregnancy Information? Check out ALIVE CEO and Founder Mary Wong’s book Pathways to Pregnancy.

How to purchase:


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